So you could say I caved to the silent pressure of my competitive side by creating this blog. I have a blog, a professional blog, a blog that focuses on children's books (it's a kingdom, really, and you should check it out at the link in the Blog Roll!).
But after seeing great blog spots created by my familia to keep us informed about their days, I caved. So... heRe we R... B & K... online bloggers! Well, K is today, we'll have to see about B!
Since it is the time of year that we all think about what we're grateful for in our lives, I choose to share my Top 10 list of things I appreciate today. Hum, this could be a meme (but I have no idea how to get it started... a little research may be in order!).
I did my research on a meme and found the definition and explanation at, where else... WIKIPEDIA! Here's what I learned:
A blogger invites other bloggers to list their 'top five songs of all time'. Those bloggers publish their list, incude the memetag that links back to the original invite, then invites more bloggers and asks them to include a link to the original post.The next bloggers list their top five songs of all time, each linking back to the original post using the memetag. Each of them invites more friends. And so on.
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K's Top 10 List of Gratitude:
- Brian
- My testimony that the Lord knows me personally
- My family (I have loved watching Maddy this week)
- Friends
- My sister was able to move back here safely
- Allergy medicine (I have recently spend some time dusting!)
- Down-time (what a treat!)
- Good food (a girl's gotta eat!)
- Clean sheets (aren't they fabulous fresh from the dryer!)
AND.... - The chance for a new tomorrow!
A favorite spot of ours: Baker City, Oregon
So, now it's your turn!
What is YOUR Top 10 List of things to be grateful for today?
Post your response or a link to your blog response in the comments area.