
27 January 2008

President Hinckley

My heart was sad to learn tonight that President Gordon B. Hinckley, prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 15 years, passed away earlier in the evening. He was such an amazing leader and the Spirit of Christ that led him was evident in all his interactions.

What an amazing job he did in serving the Lord so diligently and so well! My life has been touched countless times by his inspired counsel and teachings.

He was a prophet of the ages, building temples throughout the world, creating opportunities for members of the Church to improve their educations through the Perpetual Education Fund, standing as a witness of God "at all times, and in places, and in all things" as the Young Women theme declares.

The words of two great hymns come to my mind when thinking of Pres. Hinckley: "We Thank Thee, Oh God, for a prophet" and "Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah."

How amazing it is to be loved by our Savior so much that he has provided us with modern-day prophets, such as Gordon B. Hinckley, to "guide us in these latter days."

Everybody should have cake -
especially on their 97th birthday!

President Hinckley always demonstrated
the importance of temples.

President Hinckley had an amazing sense of humor
as well as incredible spirituality.

04 January 2008

Happy 2008

Christmas came and Christmas went
(and we didn't get our Christmas cards sent!).
2007 was a year that was great
and now we look forward to 2008!

Looking forward we're filled with great cheer,
and have set several goals for this new year.
We'll strive everyday to do what is right
so that each of our days is joyous and bright.

We know we are blessed in so many ways
and our hearts are filled with love and praise.
Our Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son
pour out their blessings on everyone.

Let's all take the time to see and record
the blessings in life that we shouldn't ignore.
Then stop and give thanks in some small way
for the blessings of Heaven received everyday.

Happy 2008!

02 January 2008

a BrOwN bAg ChRiStMaS

What is a brown bag Christmas?

Well, it's a last-minute resort to wrapping gifts when time has run out!

Brown Bag Background...

Brown bag gifts have a rich history in the Sturgill family. (Thanks to Mikey!)

Brown bag gifts of the past usually included things that belonged to other people in the family.

But hey, it's the thought that counts when you're a kid! (Right, Mikey!)

How it works...

You put the presents you are giving into a big brown bag.

Seal the bag closed with lots of tape and staples.
(Mikey is the pro!)

Decorate the front using a sharpie marker.

Give the bag...

Open the bag and enjoy your gifts!

Even the cat loved a BROWN BAG CHRISTMAS!
(she just wanted to play in the bags!)

So, why the Brown Bag Christmas?
This year it was a fun way for B and K to eliminate the stress of wrapping gifts and enjoy one another's company during a hectic Christmas season.

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