Thanks a lot Jennif and D. It's not fair to tag team (especially when the person you tag has NO TIME!). So, here's our participatory response (the crowd cheers!).
The Tag:
1-The player lists 6 facts about themselves.
2-At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names. The player then goes to their blog and leaves a comment letting them know they have been tagged and asks them to read the rules.
Our exception to rule 2: we don't know 6 other bloggers who have not been tagged, so the buck stops here!
K's List of 6
- I love Mexican food! My veins run red with salsa!
- Two words... BOOK FREAK!
- I speak 1st and think later (I'm trying to reverse this problem!)
- I stay up way too late - EVERY night!
- My back is always itchy.
- I am currently in a pink camo phase (RS Theme: "Behold! A Royal Army!)
B's List of 6
- My name is Brian.
- I like to cook.
- Sports... Sports... Sports.
- I'm in school.
- I am always scratching Kirsten's back (see #5 above!).
- My name is Brian.