Last night we had an awesome Relief Society enrichment meeting that combined sisters from the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th wards and included Laurels as well. The focus of the evening: "Follow the Yellow Brick Road... but watch out for flying monkeys!" reminded all of us that although there are many distractions in life (aka:"flying monkeys"), we can and must strive to stay focused on our Savior.
Through music and spoken messages, the Spirit was strong and my heart and mind were filled. Not only did I grow in my understanding of how much I have to offer as a daughter of God, but my testimony of the Savior and His amazing love was also strengthened through the evening.
So many wonderful people worked together to make this an amazing evening! I love the members of this church! Through you I am strengthened, I am uplifted, I am blessed.
I am thankful for the opportunity to have been in the company of so many wonderful sisters, learning the gospel and feeling the presence of the Lord's Spirit. I am also grateful for all those who walk beside me and help me dodge those "flying monkeys" as I try to follow the path that will lead me back to my Father in Heaven.
The music selections from the evening......
"Come Unto Christ" by Sally deFord
"Live Like You Believe" music by Jenny Phillips, video by Kerrianne Dugan
16 May 2008
A Great Evening!
Random thoughts from
Cheers (not Jeers!)
Where it's at (on this blog)... Inspiration
12 May 2008
My mom
Do you know my mom? Her name is Peggy (not Margaret!), she married my dad - even after he jumped out of a tree and scared her to death when he landed on her car (he thought it was a buddy's car!), she has 5 children (of which I am the oldest, bless her heart!), and she has 7 precious grandchildren she loves very much.
Oh yeah, she also has quite an interesting personal history, which reveals more and more about her as she diligently records it for all of us to enjoy.
I have had the chance to know her for almost (but not quite!) 33 years now, and since today is Mother's Day, I thought I'd take a minute to highlight 10 great qualities I love about my mom...
- She has always loved me, even when I was a "difficult" teenager (I know, it's hard to believe that I was ever "difficult," but there were a couple of days!)
- She is patient and kind.
- She thinks staying up late is okay.
- She is always willing to help - even when the request is sometimes a "bit" last minute.(Okay, MOST of the time!)
- In conjunction with # 4 - she can whip together GREAT costumes in a pinch!
(I would not be "The Queen" without her help). - She is mega-creative (see # 4 and # 5).
- She is an avid (or maybe rabid!) reader! (Thanks for setting this example, it has served me well.)
- She thinks I'm great (even when I'm not).
- She always knew that Jenny and I would be friends... one day!
- She has an amazing testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ and I KNOW she loves Him!
Thanks mom for letting me grow into who I am today (even though there were several valleys to cross along the way).
I love you and hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!
Random thoughts from
1 Cheers (not Jeers!)
Where it's at (on this blog)... family