I know that there are some of my friends who will be upset when I say it, but for me...
This year has flown by. Seriously! This has been a "kick the bird out of the nest, now it's off and flying, but hey...where did it go" kind of year.
I like that the year was filled with so many great things and neat experiences. But man, if time keeps flying by in this "crazy-busy" way (I'm quoting my blog stalker, Mary!) than there will be NO amount of magic that my friend and awesome hairdresser, Rochelle, can use to fix the color of my hair.
So...I'll have time away from school, but how do I make the most of it? After all, summertime flies even faster than school time!
I have several things to do professionally that will help me in my job (plus, I really don't know how to actually "have the summer off" and none of my friends do, either!)...and there are always things around the house that HAVE to get done now because they don't get done in the fall... but I want to enjoy the time available to me this summer.
I want to savor the time. I want to appreciate the time. I don't want to suddenly look at the calendar, realize it's back to school and think.... "what the" (see previous post for more details on this phrase).
It's not easy for me to slow down. I feel like I should always be busy. So any suggestions? All are appreciated!