
29 September 2010

A Whole New Sense of Appreciation

Allergies... flared

Asthma..... slightly flared

Lawn......... managed

Gratitude for The Lawn Fairy's gift..... greatly enhanced

Appreciation for B that he keeps our yard maintained and manicured.... IMMEASUREABLE!

Last week the rains came down and the grass came up. B is swamped at work right now and after the surprise gift from The Lawn Fairy a couple of weeks ago, I certainly didn't want to let the lawn go any longer.

So, with nice weather abounding and since I was around, I decided to get out and mow the lawn. DISCLAIMER: It has been many, many, many, many years since I mowed the lawn. I mean... MANY!

I called B to get a quick review of how the lawn mower works. Don't laugh. It's electric- ya know, to be more green - with a one-button-start option... and the last time I mowed the lawn - many, many, many, many years ago - it was with a gas-powered, string-pulling, good-luck-getting-it-started kinda mower. So, I needed a quick tutorial, but I'm a fast learner and got it rolling with no prob.

Then I mowed the lawn - just the front, and the sides - no frills (like edging or trimming the hedges. Thank goodness the lawn fairy did such a good job there). All I did was mow. It looks good. I got out there and did it. I'm proud.

But the reality check is that... it's hard work, it kicks up my allergies and asthma, and I'm not even done!

This makes me appreciate B soooooooo much more for all the hard work he regularly does to keep our yard nice. Especially since he usually mows the front, edges, trims the hedges and trees, and then moves on to the back yard, which is sometimes an even bigger job. And for me, well, the backyard may just have to be a job I pay someone else to do!

I love you, B!

1 Cheers (not Jeers!):

Danielle said...

good job, k! mowing the lawn aint for sissies, that's for sure!

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