
30 October 2010

Saving money? Being frugal? HOW???

So, B and I are making a HUGE decision in our life that will require some serious sacrifice for the next year so that we can be more debt-free and save enough for the path we want to walk.

The problem is.... ME!

I'm just keeping it real because I am not frugal... at all! I admire people who are and I want to be. I need to be. I should be. I'm just not and I really don't know how to be. But I HAVE to figure it out.

I've checked out some books from the library specifically about women who have learned how to save (and I think that checking these books out from the libary instead of just buying them counts as a "frugal" decision, right!).

I've read some ideas on how to create visual aids to help you see where you spend your money, what your goal is, and how you are doing in accomplishing your saving goal.

I know one of the first things I have to do is STOP EATING OUT so much! Not just to save money and be frugal, but it's not a healthy lifestyle. I'm not going to ban eating out completely, but I definitely need to curb it. That means I have to do something I don't particularly enjoy: cook! (Of course, if anyone wants to be my personal chef for free, I'd take you up on it!)

And now I'm standing here saying "Hi. My name is K and I have a problem saving money."

So, I'm going to start by practicing the art of saying "no, I'm not going to eat out today" and "that's cute but I don't really need it" so that I can help us reach our saving goal. After all, what we want is worth so much more than eating out or shopping in the $1 spot at Target or hitting Hobby Lobby or... well, you get the point!

Of course, if anyone has any practical suggestions or ideas for being more frugal (or learning how to enjoy cooking more!), I welcome your thoughts.

3 Cheers (not Jeers!):

lalalaleesa said...

Yes, I still lurk. You are I are twinners on the aforementioned department. A book that has helped me is Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Make-over". My favorite part is towards the end, where he shows us that coming out of debt frees us do to so much good. Just reading your post makes me think it's time for a refresher course for me. Good luck to you - miss you.

Danielle said...

so i don't know about the cooking thing. i think that it just takes practice. i'm not really sure you know what that is, since you're super good at things the first time you do them. but you take challenges head-on a lot (even if you wait to the last minute to do it!), so can you look at it like that? i have a lot of recipes, if you want them. it's so hard sometimes, but definitely worth it. good luck!

Suzanne with Laughing Wallet said...

Hey, you're already on your way, just by making it a goal and starting to do some research! A journey of many miles begins with one step. :)

I have a website about frugal living called Laughing Wallet ( I have tons of ideas for spending less but still living well. Check it out and see if there are some easy ways to start cutting back. As you have some success and start seeing the savings add up, it will motivate you to the larger lifestyle changes. You'll reach your goal before you know it!

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