
19 September 2008

Fall Treasures

Melissa at The Inspired Room has posted a new list for sharing what we treasure during this season of the year. Since I am a Fall kinda girl, picking out a mere 20 treasures is difficult...
But here goes:

  1. Changing weather
  2. Sitting outside with a blanket
  3. Air that smells crisp
  4. Trees with multi-colored leaves

  5. Pumpkins and gourds

  6. Longer nights

  7. Candles

  8. Climbing into cool sheets and wrapping up

  9. Curling up with a good book

  10. Hot apple cider

  11. Warm socks & sweaters

  12. My mother-in-law's homemade chili

  13. Tomato Basil soup from La Madeline

  14. Homemade Pies (I wish Kira was here!)

  15. The perfect season for favorite movies

  16. Red, orange, yellow, and brown

  17. Cool and gentle breezes

  18. Taking walks

  19. General Conference at church

  20. Spending time with family

So, what's on your list of 20? Make sure to link up your post at The Inspired Room.

17 September 2008

My Seester (aka: my sister!)

14 September 2008

Happy Fall, Ya'll!

I did it! I got some of my fall decor out and about and now it's starting to feel like fall (but only INSIDE my house! Outside it is hot, muggy, and so NOT like crisp fall weather at all!)

Thanks to the challenge posted at The Inspired Room, I have been driven to get started on the fall season now. It has been fun snatching ideas from those who have posted their fall decor and I have been inspired by the great ideas I have seen.

Now I think I need to get a notebook or something to help me organize the ideas I have snatched while "blog stalking!" Maybe like the ones Saucy at "Bloggedy Blog Blog" has created to keep herself organized. Of course, getting together cute idea notebooks is a different project for a different day (man, that diy project list I have keeps growing!).

For now, a few glimpses of fall at le chateau de B&K...

11 September 2008

Proud to be an American

I am so proud to be an American!

As I look at this picture of my nephew (who wants to be just like his dad, the Air Force pilot), my heart fills with gratitude and love for all those, like my brother, who serve our country.

Today marks the 7th anniversary of 9-11. What a life-changing that day was in all of our lives. And yet, how quickly that day is becoming part of the historic past.

Today at an inservice, it was noted that the freshman in high school this year were 5 years old when the attacks of 9-11 occurred. It makes me feel old to think that an event so deeply etched in my personal memory is already considered "history" to the next generation.

And yet, seven years later, one important thing is the same: those who serve our country still stand at their posts.

The firefighters, police officers, health officials, and those in the military continue to do what they did so willingly that day seven years ago when, as Alan Jackson notes, "the world stopped turning"... they put their lives on the line

Thank you. It's not enough, but thank you.

It's a P.O.O.P.I.E. Party

That's right, I said a P.O.O.P.I.E. party!

What's a P.O.O.P.I.E. party you ask? It's where "People Opposing Objectionable Pretend plants in the Environment" come together and link up to show how fake plants have been used in their homes.

At a P.O.O.P.I.E. party you see the good, the bad, and the ugly of using fake greenery to decorate. Unfortunately it has come to my attention that I have way too many of the bad and the ugly in my house - a situation that caused hives to break out across my body and impacted my ability to breathe correctly - but I'm good now!

The party is being hosted over at Nesting Place so head over and check out all the P.O.O.P.I.E.s (you might find that you're one too!)

I joined the party after I dropped in (aka: "blog stalked") the Nesting Place and visited the sites of many other P.O.O.P.I.E.s, where I saw many people bravely make their fake plant decorating ideas available for public comment.

As I was zipping in and out of blogs, I decided to get up and take a tour of my own home. I began with great confidence that I had surely not committed the fake plant faux pas that has been the topic of debate.

Of course, through the lens of the camera, my sight became much more clear (that ALWAYS happens!) and my confidence level began to wax cold, no wait... my confidence level was gone. Clearly my ability to use fake plants appropriately is a bit shaky. See for yourself (scroll over each picture for my commentary)...

And now... some better choices (at least I think so):

These examples follow the rules of being simple and using things that are real. Thus the look is much better.

I definitely see some decor changes coming soon. But now I wonder... what to do with all that greenery that's coming down...

04 September 2008

There's a chill in the air!

Have you noticed? The temperature is just slightly cooler and the wind is blowing a tad bit more! So... Fall must be getting closer! I love the Fall!

A few things I love about the Fall...

changing leaves (even in Texas!)


and the fabulous fall scents of
Yankee Candles!

I am hoping to have my Fall decor up earlier this year so that I can enjoy it longer AND so I can participate in the Fall Nesting Party over at The Inspired Room.

Stay tuned to see if I can actually pull it off!

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