
20 October 2008

The Gift of Giving: Day 4 and Day 5

Day 4 = Birthday bucks for my brother-in-law...

Day 5 = Fall decorations for a good friend...

Get the details at my 29-day challenge blog

2 Cheers (not Jeers!):

Danielle said...

Somehow, somewhere, the days are messed up. This says Day 5 & 6, but on your giving blog, it says day 4 & 5. That kind of stuff sends me over the edge. Help me understand!

Cute fall decor. Love it.

K said...

Hey D - thanks for catching my numbers error (you know numbers aren't my thing!).

And yeah... You are the winner of my give for today (Day 6)! Thanks for reading my blog(s) and commenting so often.

Stay tuned to my blog to find out what your gift is and how to collect it!

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